Effekte der Götterkarten aus dem DS-Spiel?

  • Hallo, wenn das der falsche Bereich ist, tuts mir leid.

    Naja, jedenfalls wüsste ich gerne welche Effekte die "alten" Götterkarten im Nintendo DS-Spiel haben, denn da kann man sie ja spielen. Also müssten sie auch Effekte haben.

    Wär nett, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte, weil das Spiel will ich nicht kaufen und in der Sufu hab ich auch nichts gefunden.

    Danke schon im Vorraus.

  • Obelisk: Opfere 2 Monster um alle auf dem gegnerfeld zu zerstören

    Slifer: Für jede HandKarte 1000ATK

    Ra: Monster opfern um ihm ATK zu geben

    Bin mir aber nicht mehr ganz sicher :cool:

  • Keine n plan ob die im DS-Game die selben Anime-Effeklkte haben, des sind die Anime-Effekte:

    |Slifer the Sky Dragon|Divine-Beast/Effect|Divine|10||X000|X000|You can not normal summon this card, except by offering 3 monster cards on your side of the field as a tribute.This card is not be destroyed by the effect of a Monster-, Spell- or Trap Card. The controller of this card can not change.Negate the effects of Monster-, Spell- or Trap Cards that designates this card as a target at the field or graveyard in the End Phase of the turn. The ATK and DEF of this card is increased for every card in your hand x 1000 Points. Whenever your opponent summons or special summons a monster to the field in face-up attack position, that monster's ATK is decreased by 2000 points (if this reduces the ATK to below 0, the monster is destroyed). Whenever your opponent summons or special summons a monster to the field in face-up defence position, that monster's DEF is decreased by 2000 points (if this reduces the DEF to below 0, the monster is destroyed) .

    |Obelisk the Tormentor|Divine-Beast/Effect|Divine|10||4000|4000|You can not normal summon this card, except by offering 3 monster cards on your side of the field as a tribute.This card is not be destroyed by the effect of a Monster-, Spell- or Trap Card. The controller of this card can not change.Negate the effects of Monster-, Spell- or Trap Cards that designates this card as a target at the field or graveyard in the End Phase of the turn. Sacrifice 2 monsters to destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field and inflict 4000 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points.

    |The Winged Dragon of Ra Divine-Beast/Effect|Divine|10||????|????|You can not normal summon this card, except by offering 3 monster cards on your side of the field as a tribute.This card is not be destroyed by the effect of a Monster-, Spell- or Trap Card. The controller of this card can not change.Negate the effects of Monster-, Spell- or Trap Cards that designates this card as a target at the field or graveyard in the End Phase of the turn. The ATK and DEF of thid card are equal to the total ATK and DEF of all 3 monsters sacrificed to normal summon it. This card can always perform an attack, regardless of the effects of other cards.You can offer monsters on your side of the field as a tribute to increase the ATK of this card by the total amount of ATK of the monster cards you offered.You can decrease your Life Points to 1 point to increase this card´s ATK and DEF by the amount of Life Points paid.You can pay 1000 points of your life points to destroy any monster except this monster on the field.


    Spiderschwein...Spiderschwein =)

  • Dankeschön @all. Habs im Link des Beitrags von Enel gefunden.

    Black Commander: Das sind zwar alles schöne Threads, jedoch geht es da nur um die Anime Effekte und ich wollte eben die Nightmare Troubadour Effekte. Aber trotzdem Danke für deine Mühe.

    kann jetzt geclosed werden.